Clinical Pilates in Practice: Hip-Spine Syndrome
This narrative review explains the mechanism by which abnormal hip pathologies contribute to low back pain in patients without hip osteoarthritis.
Clinical Pilates in Practice: Visuomotor Adaptation & Passive Movement
This study examined the lasting effect of passive training on visuomotor adaptation within a 24-hour timeline.
Hernia Repair Outcomes
This article is a comprehensive retrospective review of ventral hernia repair outcomes performed at one facility in the USA.
Clinical Pilates in Practice: Biomechanics & The Formation of Nervous Tissue
This review is a critical assessment of recent advances in the utilization of mechanical stimuli towards exploiting nervous tissue growth and formation. The authors discuss current in vitro systems designed to restate the mechanical environment of developing neural tissues, and the advancements made in integrating these systems into the clinical setting.
Shoulder Kinematics & Subacromial Impingement
This literature review examines the relationship between shoulder kinematics and the aetiology of rotator cuff pathology.
Sleep & Motor Memory Consolidation
This meta-analysis compared the effect of sleep gain on motor memory consolidation between sleep and wake groups. The mechanisms by which sleep helps to consolidate motor memory are not fully understood, and further research is still needed in this field.
Biokinetic Analysis of the Foot & Ankle
This literature review argues that clinically we need to observe functional - rather than conventional - biomechanics at the ankle and foot. Functional biomechanics observes that all segments in a joint can be simultaneously mobile.
Clinical Pilates in Practice: Choice & Skill Learning
This small study observed the motor learning effects of allowing small choices by individuals.
Clinical Pilates in Practice: Pelvic Floor Muscle Training for Stress Urinary Incontinence
Clinical Pilates in Practice: Pelvic Floor Muscle Training for Stress Urinary Incontinence (December 2020)
Clinical Pilates in Practice: Analogies Speed Up Motor Learning
For motor learning tasks, analogies are usually given as a single biomechanical metaphor. This study demonstrates how analogies can influence motor kinematics and task outcome.
Anatomy Review: Iliocapsularis & Other Muscles of the Hip Capsule
An informal poll of our colleagues has concluded that no-one knew that the iliocapsularis muscle existed until two days ago… This got us thinking about other muscles of the hip that insert into the joint capsule, and their role in hip function and movement dysfunction.
Clinical Pilates in Practice: Learning Styles Neuromyth
The concept of learning styles has long been debunked, and yet they persist in all educational communities. This paper outlines why it is difficult to use theories of learning styles in practice: "the same term means different things to different teachers."
Clinical Pilates in Practice: Diaphragmatic Breathing for Posture
By no means a thorough or robust study, we are including this one because of our belief in evidence-informed practice, and this paper does serve as a reminder of the importance of the diaphragm for postural control.
Clinical Pilates in Practice: Joint Impairment & Gait in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
Researchers used a musculoskeletal model to predict joint contact forces and investigate the variations of joint contact forces due to joint impairment in 18 juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients.
Research Review: Bone Pain in Cancer
This paper discusses the mechanisms involved in bone pain during cancer and reviews the recommended treatment methods.
Clinical Pilates in Practice: Biomechanics of Functional Tasks
This small study of healthy volunteers explored differences in the coronal biomechanics of the trunk, pelvis, hip, and knee joints, as well as gluteus medius muscle activity during walking and step down tasks.
Neurodynamics & Clinical Pilates
Integrating neural mobility exercises into functional movements and clinical Pilates practice can have multiple benefits, regardless of whether a client is displaying neural mechanosensitivity: all tissues in the body need to move!
Clinical Pilates in Practice: Describing Movement & Motor Learning
This small study contributes to the body of literature linking motor imagery and motor learning.
Clinical Pilates in Practice: Biomechanics of Pregnancy
This is a systematic review of 50 papers looking at how biomechanical changes during pregnancy will affect quality of life in this population.
Clinical Pilates in Practice: Unstable Sitting & Lumbar Stability
This study compared various measures of lumbar trunk stability with a previously described unstable sitting task