Clinical Pilates in Practice: Prediction of Motor Learning
The authors of this paper used an ethological approach to test the hypothesis that practice-related refinements of multiple behavioural features would be independently predictive of motor learning.
Clinical Pilates in Practice: Age & Motor Adaptation
The authors of this study examined the differences in the brain structure and cognition underlying motor adaptation in a population-based cohort.
Clinical Pilates in Practice: Neuroplasticity & Motor Learning in Sport
This is a brief summary of neuronal plasticity and motor learning, particularly as it pertains to physical activity.
Clinical Pilates in Practice: Choice & Skill Learning
This small study observed the motor learning effects of allowing small choices by individuals.
Clinical Pilates in Practice: Analogies Speed Up Motor Learning
For motor learning tasks, analogies are usually given as a single biomechanical metaphor. This study demonstrates how analogies can influence motor kinematics and task outcome.
Clinical Pilates in Practice: Describing Movement & Motor Learning
This small study contributes to the body of literature linking motor imagery and motor learning.