Clinical Pilates in Practice: Neuroplasticity & Motor Learning in Sport

This is a brief summary of neuronal plasticity and motor learning, particularly as it pertains to physical activity.

Minino, Roberta, Patrizia Belfiore, Marianna Liparoti (2020): Neuroplasticity and motor learning in sport activity, Journal of Physical Education and Sport; DOI: 10.7752/jpes.2020.s4318.

Key Points: Neuroplasticity & Motor Learning In Sport

  • Motor learning is defined as the ability to acquire new motor actions or new movement patterns.

  • Cortical reorganization can be used for motor learning; the process follows a path consisting of two phases: unmasking and strengthening preexisting conditions, and creating new connections.

  • In motor learning, the transition from coarse movement to a precise execution has three phases:

    → Cognitive phase: Understanding the purpose of the action to be acquired and how to perform it.

    → Associative phase: Structuring movements and finalizing the motor sequence.

    → Automation phase: Automation of motor sequences, even during complex conditions.

    Physical activities are experience-dependent conditions that significantly contribute to cortical reorganization of the neural network and therefore also to neuronal plasticity.

  • Neuronal circuits known as mirror neurons, which are activated when motor gesture is performed, can also be activated when a motor gesture is observed or imagined.

  • (Therefore combining physical and mental training can help to acquire and improve a motor task.)

  • Plasticity is a fundamental and persistent state of the neuronal system, allowing activation of various mechanisms for adaptive responses and environmental novelty.

  • The main subcortical structures that play a role during motor learning are the cerebellum and striated nucleus; the cerebellum in first phase of acquisition, and the striatum in determining the correct type of.

  • Anatomical changes usually take place during initial stages of practice, which results in an increase in grey matter.

  • Increases in grey matter are generally accepted to be correlated with improved motor performance.

Clinical Pilates in Practice

  • Support client learning by identifying which phase of motor learning they are experiencing, and adapt appropriately.

  • Incorporate imagery mental task practice with clients, to facilitate their learning of a motor skill; don't just rely on imagery, which can also be important for understanding and learning.


1. Jäncke, L. (2009b). The plastic human brain. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 27(5), 521–538

2. May, A., & Gaser, C. (2006). Magnetic resonance-based morphometry: A window into structural plasticity of the brain. Current Opinion in Neurology, 19(4), 407–411.


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