Clinical Pilates in Practice: Neuroplasticity & Motor Learning in Sport
This is a brief summary of neuronal plasticity and motor learning, particularly as it pertains to physical activity.
Clinical Pilates in Practice: Choice & Skill Learning
This small study observed the motor learning effects of allowing small choices by individuals.
Clinical Pilates in Practice: Analogies Speed Up Motor Learning
For motor learning tasks, analogies are usually given as a single biomechanical metaphor. This study demonstrates how analogies can influence motor kinematics and task outcome.
Clinical Pilates in Practice: Learning Styles Neuromyth
The concept of learning styles has long been debunked, and yet they persist in all educational communities. This paper outlines why it is difficult to use theories of learning styles in practice: "the same term means different things to different teachers."
Research Review: Bone Pain in Cancer
This paper discusses the mechanisms involved in bone pain during cancer and reviews the recommended treatment methods.
Clinical Pilates in Practice: Describing Movement & Motor Learning
This small study contributes to the body of literature linking motor imagery and motor learning.
Clinical Pilates in Practice: Instruction Modes for Motor Skills
Previous research has demonstrated that mirror neurons play an important role in learning; action observation training or motor imagery practice is based on this mechanism.